Construction costs of the planned bush hospital

The essential planning for the hospital has been completed. The construction is done in several stages. The first buildings are scheduled to be ready-to-use in 2017.

Needed aid

The inadequate basic medical care for the rural region of Ambohitsara will be improved by the construction of a hospital (see hospital project page). The estimated costs amount to (as at March 2012):

Phase 1 (general medicine, dental practice, walk-in clinic):359,000.- Euros
Phase 2 (surgery ward, maternity ward):404,000.- Euros
Phase 3 (pediatrics, pharmacy, laboratory, radiology):275,000.- Euros

The hospital requires a drinking water supply and a power supply (see also hospital project page). Not only the hospital but also school and village should be supplied as well in each case:

Water supply:135,000.- Euros
Power supply:no cost estimate so far


It is five thirty, still dark and time for school. The children don't take a bus or train to school....

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