
HOPE e.V. Madagaskar is as an association, acknowledged as serving benevolent purposes. Entered in the register of associations at the district court of Augsburg / Germany under VR 202349.

Thank you for all alms!

Donations via bank transfer

Remittee:HOPE e.V. Madagaskar
Bank:Sparkasse Hohenlohekreis(Germany)
Reference:Madagascar  (+ possibly sub-project, e.g. “water supply”)
+ your address  (for your annual donation receipt)

Reference text for godparenthoods

  • … for students: “Madagascar School Godparenthood”
    (22,- € monthly)
  • … for teachers: “Madagascar Teacher Godparenthood”
    (110,- € monthly)


It is five thirty, still dark and time for school. The children don't take a bus or train to school....

Im Februar und März wurden wir zweimal eingeladen, um über die Projekte des Missionszentrums zu...

Unser Träger Forum Leben hat Veränderungen in seiner Vereinsstruktur vorgenommen.