Donation campaigns

The following two campaigns have ended. But you can still donate by bank transfer for the school and the planned hospital. Even with small amounts you can help!

Give children their 5th birthday (6-1-5 campaign)

With 6 Euros you can enable one child to see and celebrate its 5th Birthday! Help building a bush hospital! Thus make a contribution to turn dates of birth into dates of hope!

This campaign ended with a final result of 900 Euros. Many thanks to all donors! You can still donate by bank transfer for the planned hospital.

Learning materials for 300 school children

You can go towards improving the quality of lessons for the 300 school children and the young teachers! With 10 Euros you can finance e.g. school books for two major subjects of a school child or illustrative material for one school subject.

This campaign ended with a final result of 235 Euros. Many thanks to all donors! You can still donate by bank transfer for the school.


It is five thirty, still dark and time for school. The children don't take a bus or train to school....

Im Februar und März wurden wir zweimal eingeladen, um über die Projekte des Missionszentrums zu...

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