School in Ambohitsara

2009 in Ambohitsara a primary school (1st to 6th grade) has emerged. It was designed as an all-day school with meals at lunchtime so that at the same time the widespread malnutrition of children can be prevented. Classes are based on the French school system to offer the children the greatest possible opportunities for the future. See video.

Since early November 2010 the first three years (7th to 9th grade) and since October 2011 the 10th grade of the so-called Collège (a four-year secondary school) are taught in Ambohitsara. For this reason more teachers were hired and additional buildings built.

Since October 2013 there is also a lycée (upper school) in Ambohitsara. The 11th class is currently still being taught in the rooms of the lower grades. We are still urgently looking for support for the financing of the “expensive” upper school subject teachers and the construction of additional buildings, as the lycée will expanded by two additional classes in 2014 and 2015.

In the country, school-age children are often used to care for the little ones at home. In order to enable them to school, in 2009 a kindergarten was set up for the little ones.

The number of over 200 students is expected to increase, that is why we are looking for more monthly donors for the school canteen and pray for a good harvest of the agricultural project.

During the services of German "short-termers" 2010, 2012 and 2013 among others a playful English beginners course as a student holiday program was carried out and was helped at construction work and painting on the school grounds. Also in 2014 short-term mission services take place in Ambohitsara.

(Start of school in October 2009, school canteen since March 2010, collège since November 2010, lycée since October 2013)

See also: video, godparenthood


In our photo albums you will find more pictures of the school and the school canteen.


It is five thirty, still dark and time for school. The children don't take a bus or train to school....

Im Februar und März wurden wir zweimal eingeladen, um über die Projekte des Missionszentrums zu...

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