Madagascan cooking recipes

Saosisy (Malagasy bratwurst from zebu meat)

Explanatory notes: The zebu, also called humped cattle, is mainly at home in tropical and subtropical climate.

Ingredients for 4 people: 6 to 8 coarse bratwursts (beef or pork, depending on taste), 1 to 2 sweet peppers, 2 tomatoes, 1 onion, 3 to 4 garlic cloves, salt, pepper, some instant vegetable stock where necessary, oil.

Preparation: Cut the sausages into small pieces. Cube onion, garlic, sweet pepper and tomatos. Let oil get hot in a pan. Season and fry everything. Then simmer with the lid closed and at medium heat until it is done.

If the resulting sauce is not enough, one can additionally eat Malagasy tomato salad along with it.

Coconut chicken

Ingredients: 1 chicken, medium-sized, 1 small piece of minced ginger, 1-2 onions, a bit garlic, oil, tomato puree and 1 small can of chopped tomatoes, salt, pepper or chili, 1 ripe coconut (or 1 small can of coconut milk)

Preparation: Cut the chicken into small pieces. Flash-fry in a large pot with a little oil, salt, chopped onions and garlic. Then deglaze with the can of chopped tomatoes and water (until the meat is completely covered with water), stir in tomato puree into the water, add ginger and simmer. Grate the coconut and soak the graters in boiling water. Strain through a fine cloth and squeeze out (or open a can of coconut milk). If the chicken is almost cooked, add coconut milk and bring to a boil. Season once more with the spices and thicken a bit the sauce if necessary with gravy thickener.

Serve with rice. In Madagascar, rice is boiled without oil and salt with 1.5 to 2 times the amount of water. Who does not like it so fatty can cut the fat at the neck of the chicken priorly, give the oil for browning a miss, or skim the fat from the sauce of the final dish. Enjoy your meal!

Malagasy noodle soup

Ingredients: vegetable stock, salt, beaten eggs or whole hard-boiled eggs or omelette cut into strips, 1 bunch spring onions, chives, parsley, 1 piece of ginger crushed in a mortar, vermicelli or spaghetti

Preparation: Cook everything to a soup.

Non-vegetarian option: Add some fried minced meat or chicken (raw) or turkey meat.

Pork with spinach

Ingredients: 500 g (17.5 oz) pigmeat on the bone (e.g. pork belly or chop), 1 onion and a bit garlic, leaf spinach to taste (1 big bag), tomato puree and 1 small can of chopped tomatoes, spices: salt, pepper or chili (e.g. Sambal Oelek), oil

Preparation: Wash meat, cut into cubes and flash-fry in a large pot with oil, salt, chopped onions and garlic. Deglaze with the can of chopped tomatoes and water (until the meat is completely covered with water). At the end of the cooking time still some sauce should remain. When the meat is almost cooked, add spinach and continue cooking a bit. Season with the spices. If necessary, also add a dash of milk (takes out the acid). Serve with rice. In Madagascar, rice is boiled without oil and salt with 1.5 to 2 times the amount of water. Enjoy your meal!


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