Prayer service

As a Christian mission center we are dependent on prayer support.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Jesus Christ, quote from the Bible).

The following areas are those where we need your prayers in the short and long term:

  • Volunteers and donors worldwide
  • Employees for schoolhealth stationagriculture and alphabetization
  • Partners for the construction of the busch hospital and the infrastructure
  • Employees for the future hospital
  • Sponsors for medicinal products
  • Sponsors for medical equipment that has been written off


It is five thirty, still dark and time for school. The children don't take a bus or train to school....

Im Februar und März wurden wir zweimal eingeladen, um über die Projekte des Missionszentrums zu...

Unser Träger Forum Leben hat Veränderungen in seiner Vereinsstruktur vorgenommen.